Telophi™ biotech ingredient: restoring harmony, restoring beauty

Posted by Bianca McCarthy, Ph.D. on 04/20/2022

Proportion is the key to beauty. The most prized objects in art, design and architecture are proportioned in ways that please our innate sense of beauty.

One measurement of beauty is the Golden Ratio, which is represented by the Greek letter Phi. This constant, which is found in nature from seashells to flower petals, is also present in the faces judged to be most harmonious.

Our R&D team is excited to have developed a new ingredient which helps restore the face to “Phi Beauty” proportions and symmetry.

Telophi™ biotech ingredient is a biotechnological extract obtained from a Bacillus sp. isolated from the Florida Keys. It protects telocytes and proliferating epidermal stem cells from psychological stress to help preserve the skin’s organization and unlock Phi Beauty.

The natural balance in facial proportions can be altered by aging and psychological stress. In particular, the stress hormone cortisol harms skin cells in multiple ways. Telophi™ biotech ingredient has been shown, in vitro, to boost by 19.6% telocyte skin cells, which are crucial to repairing skin structure and guarding against damage inflicted by cortisol.

Two in vivo studies were carried out in women ages 35-50 who applied a cream containing 2% Telophi™ biotech ingredient or a placebo cream twice a day for 28 days. Results after 28 days for the women who applied Telophi™ biotech ingredient showed that facial proportions were brought closer to the Phi ratio through firmer skin and a lifting effect. Symmetry of the facial oval contour improved by 6.3%. Also, luminosity increased by 13.9% and became more uniform after 14 days. Wrinkle appearance also decreased.

Telophi™ biotech ingredient is ideal for daily facial skincare products that protect the skin from the damage caused by psychological stress and for cosmetic formulations that improve skin appearance, enhancing facial proportions and the symmetry of facial features.

For more information about Telophi™ biotech ingredient, click here.

Bianca McCarthy, Ph.D.

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